v5.2.4 Released

email spam filter server



  • Added monitor for zombie Mailborder tasks stuck in the running mode. Tasks older than 1 hour in the run mode will automatically be aborted to avoid task blocking.
  • Added a new command for the CLI. The mb-gdu command is a command line file browser than will show the size of directories and files. Useful if you have a server running low on disk space. The tool is from the open source dundee/gdu project.
  • Added display name phishing detection. This is where an attacker sets the display name to include an email address that does not match the actual sender email address. For example: "Bob Jones <


    >" as the display name but the actual sender address is something like


    . This does not impact bounce addresses or Reply-To address. This check assigns a spam score of 30 when the condition is found. The score and checking can be changed. See /etc/mailborder/engine.cf for more details.
  • Corrected a condition where ClamAV could report the wrong virus signature version if more than one virus update file is present.
  • Updated MaxMind country database for IP addresses.
  • Updated SourceGuardian loaders to the latest version.
  • Added license expiration notification email to the Mailborder maintenance function.
  • Updated MySQL server parameters for new Mailborder installations freeing up some memory for other applications.
  • Corrected a bug in the Portal User notification for Quarantined emails. This only impacted new Portal Users and only for 24 hours.


How to Upgrade

Run the following commands as the root user:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


OS Upgrade Support

We offer support for OS upgrades. If you have an annual support contract, this support is included without charge. If you do not have a support contract, we will perform a scheduled upgrade for you remotely for a discounted rate of $159. This service is highly recommended even if you are adept with Linux. If you contact us with a failed upgrade and your hair on fire, the support fee is the normal rate of $299.

Contact: https://www.mailborder.com/contact

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 22.04 is in April 2027.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 20.04 is in April 2025.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Support for Ubuntu 18.04 ended in April 2023. If you have not upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04, we suggest that you do so. However, we do recommend that you contact Mailborder support prior to doing the upgrade. It is not straight forward and requires manually correcting several modules. We highly recommend the support option for upgrades.

The OS upgrade KB is here: https://mailborder.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/14698885841559


20 June 2023

v5.2.3 Released

email spam filter server



  • Changed default protocol for Postfix to ipv4 for new installs.
  • Added smtpd_relay_before_recipient_restrictions to Postfix options for Ubuntu 22.04 installs.
  • Adjusted the Mailborder milter to compensate for changes in PHP 8.x.
  • Increased logging for RBL checks when in verbose mode.
  • Updated libraries for changes in PHP 8.x.
  • Corrected missing license attributes in Child servers during library loads.
  • Converted ctype_digit checks to is_numeric to compensate for changes in PHP 8.x.
  • Added redundant checks for database calls in the GUI.
  • Added name shortening for extremely long file names during evaluation to prevent potential DDOS vector.
  • Moved MTA whitelist IP entries to a separate CIDR only file.
  • Added error notice to Portal release for emails that are no longer available for release.

Note: v5.2.2 was not released due to an incompatibility error.


How to Upgrade

Run the following commands as the root user:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


OS Upgrade Support

We offer support for OS upgrades. If you have an annual support contract, this support is included without charge. If you do not have a support contract, we will perform a scheduled upgrade for you remotely for a discounted rate of $159. This service is highly recommended even if you are adept with Linux. If you contact us with a failed upgrade and your hair on fire, the support fee is the normal rate of $299.

Contact: https://www.mailborder.com/contact

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 22.04 is in April 2027.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 20.04 is in April 2025.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Support for Ubuntu 18.04 ended in April 2023. If you have not upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04, we suggest that you do so. However, we do recommend that you contact Mailborder support prior to doing the upgrade. It is not straight forward and requires manually correcting several modules. We highly recommend the support option for upgrades.

The KB is here: https://mailborder.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/14698885841559


14 June 2023

v5.2.2 Released

email spam filter server



  • This version had a serious logging bug and was immediately superseded by v5.2.3.


13 June 2023

v5.2.1 Released

email spam filter server



  • Corrected PHP 8.x compatibility bug in mb-filter reading geolocations for IP addresses with no location information on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Corrected PHP 8.x compatibility bug in the SPF library expander on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Added postfix smtpd_relay_before_recipient_restrictions options to default configuration to suppress Postfix info messages on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Corrected PHP 8.x compatibility bug in mb-summary that prevented summary emails being sent on Ubuntu 22.04.


How to Upgrade

Run the following commands as the root user:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 22.04 is in April 2027.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 20.04 is in April 2025.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Support for Ubuntu 18.04 ended in April 2023. If you have not upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04, we suggest that you do so. However, we do recommend that you contact Mailborder support prior to doing the upgrade. It is not straight forward and requires manually correcting the PHP FPM module.

16 May 2023

v5.2.0 Released

email spam filter server



  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is now supported.
  • Added Spamassassin KAM ruleset. This ruleset is large and not enabled by default. It can be enabled and disabled using the mb-sa-kam command on each Mailborder server.
  • Added option to create missing swap file on new installations.
  • Reorganized opendkim and opendmarc structures for future GUI release.
  • Improved Vita logging service wait throttle handling.
  • Added version control to dovecot.
  • Added opendmarc ignored hosts file.
  • Disabled helo_checks by default in SPF checks for new installs. Old installations will still be enabled.
  • Disabled verify_sender by default in SPF checks for new installs. Old installations will still be enabled.
  • Updated DTRX with latest version.
  • Changed time limit measurement from ctype_digit to ctype_numeric in mb-filter.
  • Fixed Office 365 duplicate attachments getting random file extensions resulting in quarantined items.
  • Changed how mb-milter checks sender addresses for RFC compliance to allow for bounce tracking email addresses.
  • Updated mb-spamc to include more example uses in help menu.
  • Updated mb-spf-eval to filter user constraints.
  • Updated CLI library to reflect --multiscan parameter in ClamAV.
  • Reduced stream socket timeout from 30 to 5 seconds for connections to when injecting emails back into the SMTP process after filtering before requeuing delivery attempts.
  • Reduced streeam socket attempts from 12 to 2 for connections to when injecting emails back into the SMTP process after filtering before requeuing delivery attempts.
  • Typo correction in CLI library.
  • Restructured active process checks in daemon library for Mailborder service.
  • Changed jail cleanup from 30 days to 5 days in daemon library for Mailborder service.
  • Changed corrupt cleanup from 30 days to 5 days in daemon library for Mailborder service.
  • Revamped the entire send process for messages in daemon library increasing processing speeds.
  • Updated GeoIP library.
  • Updated PHP ixed loaders.
  • Removed Firefox ban from GUI loads.
  • Corrected Thai language file.
  • Updated QR code generator for 2FA.
  • Updated Postfix master.cf to include override options when injected back into the SMTP system.
  • Added smtp_milter to Postfix master.cf for DKIM signing when injected back into the SMTP system.
  • Updated rsyslog to ignore more repetitive Mailborder syslog entries.
  • Modified date formatting in ado/process for the Master GUI.
  • Disabled autocomplete in some GUI fields.
  • Added DKIM table to database for future GUI integration.
  • Added automatic rebuild task if configuration is older than 2 hours.
  • Corrected some depricated PHP items.


How to Upgrade

Run the following commands as the root user:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 22.04 is in April 2027.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

The end of (free) support for Ubuntu 20.04 is in April 2025.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Support for Ubuntu 18.04 ended in April 2023. If you have not upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04, we suggest that you do so. However, we do recommend that you contact Mailborder support prior to doing the upgrade. It is not straight forward and requires manually correcting the PHP FPM module.

8 May 2023

v5.1.9 Released

email spam filter server



  • Added the option to disable or enable spam and virus checks within Process Policies.
  • Updated the logic within the filter to skip spam checks for whitelisted and blacklisted email.
  • Fixed minor bug for adding new Networks under Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Updated control packages to include Imagick.


How to Upgrade

Run the following commands as the root user:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

This upgrade is supported, but is not required. You may continue to run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

This upgrade can easily take an hour on a fast connection. Plan accordingly.

To upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04:

  • First, upgrade to the latest version of Mailborder as shown above.
  • Take a snapshot or full backup of some kind.
  • Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the bionic reference to focal for the Mailborder repository. (deb.mailborder.com) Do this after upgrading to the latest version of Mailborder and before running the next step.
  • Run as root: do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party
  • If you need or want help, contact Mailborder support.

9 April 2022

v5.1.8 Released

email spam filter server



Added the option to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for both Master administrator accounts and Portal user accounts.


  • 2FA can be used with any compatible authenticator such as Google Authenticator or Authy.
  • To enable 2FA for your own admin account: [ master GUI > top menu > user icon > preferences ]
  • If required, 2FA can be disabled for administrative accounts from the command line using the mb-reset command.
  • 2FA can be disabled for other administrator accounts: [ master GUI > top menu > cluster > administrators ]

Portal Users

  • Portal users can enable 2FA for their own accounts: [ portal GUI > top menu > user icon > preferences ]
  • 2FA can be required for all Portal users: [ master GUI > top menu > portal > global settings ]
  • If 2FA is required for all Portal users, new and existing users will automatically be prompted to setup 2FA at the next user login.
  • 2FA cannot be setup by an administrator during account creation, but the administrator can view the Portal user's authenticator token in the Master GUI when editing the Portal user's account. (After the Portal user has setup 2FA for the first time.)
  • 2FA can be disabled for Portal user accounts: [ master GUI > top menu > portal > portal users ] but will have no impact if 2FA is required under the Portal global settings.

Google reCaptcha

  • The reCaptcha will still work and can be used with 2FA enabled.


How to Upgrade

Run the following commands as the root user:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

This upgrade is supported, but is not required. You may continue to run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

This upgrade can easily take an hour on a fast connection. Plan accordingly.

To upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04:

  • First, upgrade to the latest version of Mailborder as shown above.
  • Take a snapshot or full backup of some kind.
  • Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the bionic reference to focal for the Mailborder repository. (deb.mailborder.com) Do this after upgrading to the latest version of Mailborder and before running the next step.
  • Run as root: do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party
  • If you need or want help, contact Mailborder support.

2 April 2022

v5.1.7 Released

email spam filter server



  • Bug fix: corrected Postfix whiteliting mechanism during rebuilds.
  • Moved executable dtrx to mb-dtrx

Upgrade Notes

This update may require a special switch as fail2ban was added as an additional package. To upgrade:

apt-get update
apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade


Optional Updates

If you wish to manually update your Nginx TLS support to the new model, edit the Mailborder files in /etc/nginx/site-available and change the ssl_protocols parameter to this: ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

This upgrade is supported, but is not required. You may continue to run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

This upgrade can easily take an hour on a fast connection. Plan accordingly.

To upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04:

  • First, upgrade to the latest version of Mailborder as shown above.
  • Take a snapshot or full backup of some kind.
  • Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the bionic reference to focal for the Mailborder repository. (deb.mailborder.com) Do this after upgrading to the latest version of Mailborder and before running the next step.
  • Run as root: do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party
  • If you need or want help, contact Mailborder support.

23 March 2022

v5.1.6 Released

email spam filter server



  • Added the option to verify sender address syntax during SPF checks. There is also a whitelist for certain domains that regularly violate RFC 5321.
  • Moved RBL evaluation from the standard Postfix method to a policy service. This allows logging RBL rejections to the to the database.
  • Updated mb-read to read "mailborder_version" strings behind comment (#) lines.
  • Updated rejection text in SPF from RFC 3696 to RFC 5321.
  • Updated SPF domain whitelists to properly trim whitespace from a list of domains.
  • Updated build process to convert generated configuration files to Unix removing the BOM.
  • Updated mb-os-check to check for /var/lib/mailborder
  • Updated mb-os-check to check for more file, directories, and permissions
  • Reorganized mb-rebuild structure and build order to make more effective use of Postfix hash, pcre, and regex.
  • Updated all Nginx configurations to remove TLSV1 from new installations and add TLSV1.3 support to new installations.
  • /etc/mailborder/conf.d/rbls.conf has been moved to /etc/mailborder/conf.d/rbl.cf with more options. Enter any custom RBLs on the custom_rbl_list line. The old /etc/mailborder/conf.d/rbls.cf is safe to delete.
  • Added fail2ban to package requirements and added an SASL monitor to automatically ban remote hosts probing SASL with random logins.
  • Corrected an index name on the log_spf_reason database table.

Upgrade Notes

This update may require a special switch as fail2ban was added as an additional package. To upgrade:

apt-get update
apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade


Optional Updates

If you wish to manually update your Nginx TLS support to the new model, edit the Mailborder files in /etc/nginx/site-available and change the ssl_protocols parameter to this: ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

This upgrade is supported, but is not required. You may continue to run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

This upgrade can easily take an hour on a fast connection. Plan accordingly.

To upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04:

  • First, upgrade to the latest version of Mailborder as shown above.
  • Take a snapshot or full backup of some kind.
  • Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the bionic reference to focal for the Mailborder repository. (deb.mailborder.com) Do this after upgrading to the latest version of Mailborder and before running the next step.
  • Run as root: do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party
  • If you need or want help, contact Mailborder support.

15 March 2022

v5.1.5 Released

email spam filter server



  • Mailborder now logs SPF rejections to the database. The menu item is located in [ system > SPF reject log ]. You can use this information to whitelist certain IP addresses or domains from SPF checks. However, this should only be done on a short term basis until the remote domain's SPF record is corrected. The configuration file with the SPF settings is here: /etc/mailborder/spf.cf but put your edits in /etc/mailborder/conf.d/spf.cf
  • Added Spanish (Spain) language.
  • Fixed minor bug in Nginx for new installations.
  • Added bi-directional flows for both inbound and outbound email for Portal users and groups.


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

This upgrade is supported, but is not required. You may continue to run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

This upgrade can easily take an hour on a fast connection. Plan accordingly.

To upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04:

  • First, upgrade to the latest version of Mailborder as shown above.
  • Take a snapshot or full backup of some kind.
  • Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the bionic reference to focal for the Mailborder repository. (deb.mailborder.com) Do this after upgrading to the latest version of Mailborder and before running the next step.
  • Run as root: do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party
  • If you need or want help, contact Mailborder support.

8 March 2022