Mailborder runs exclusively on the Ubuntu operating system. More specifically, the LTS or Long Term Support versions on the Ubuntu operating system. These enterprise versions are released every two years and are supported for five years without a subscription. If you elect to get a paid subscription from extended update from Canonical, support can be stretched out to ten years.
As your Mailborder server operating system free end of life (EOL) support approaches, you can easily upgrade to the next release using the release upgrade tool provided by Canonical. However, the automatic upgrade within Ubuntu disables third party repositories during the upgrade process, which is how the Mailborder software is maintained. To get Mailborder working again, you will need to take a few extra steps.
While rather straight forward, we do highly recommend recommend having a Mailborder engineer assist with this upgrade, especially when upgrading a live server. Regardless if you are a Linux novice or expert, it is recommended to have a Mailborder expert assist with any operating system upgrade. If you have an S1X Premium Support annual contract, the support for the assistance is included at no cost. If you do not have an annual support contract, we can assist with the upgrade under an F1X Incident Support case.
Preparing for the Upgrade
Ubuntu requires that the target server be fully upgraded at the current version before proceeding to a release upgrade. This will also update Mailborder to its latest version. Run the below commands as the root user or using sudo to perform the upgrade. We recommend that if presented with the option to change any files that you select the option to keep the current installed version. For example, OpenDmarc.
apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade
Release upgrade
Run the release upgrade as the root user or using sudo. Follow the on-screen prompts and instructions. You may remove any recommend software presented by the upgrade. Again, you should preserve any locally installed files such as OpenDmarc.
Post Upgrade
First the apt source for Mailborder needs to be reenabled. Edit the below file.
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
Uncomment and/or change the source definition to match your Ubuntu version. In the example below it is for Ubuntu 20.04.
deb http://deb.mailborder.com/ focal main
Save the file and update apt.
apt-get update
Reinstall the Mailborder Master or Child software
apt-get --reinstall install mailborder-master
apt-get --reinstall install mailborder-child
You will more then likely see errors for the PHP FPM service. In this case, for php7.4-fpm. This is normal at this point.
Remove the previous PHP version. In this example we are upgrading Ubuntu 18.04, which uses PHP 7.2, to Ubuntu 20.04, which uses PHP 7.4.
apt-get remove php7.2*
Reboot the server.
Once the server completes the reboot process, review the system logs to ensure they are free of errors.