v5.1.2 Released

email spam filter server


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed potential records count bug in database if similarly named table existed in another database.
  • Fully updated mb-os-checks during installation and upgrades.
  • Corrected some local timezone issues on the GUI dashboard.
  • Fixed portal quarantine report table dates to match portal user timezone correctly.

Updates and Features

  • Updated ClamAV frequency checks to 24.
  • General code cleanup.
  • Logrotate updated.
  • mb-filter updated.
  • GUI fonts updated.

To update your server(s), run the following commands with root privileges from the command line:

  • apt-get update
  • apt-get dist-upgrade


Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

This upgrade can easily take an hour on a fast connection. Plan accordingly.

To upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04:

  • First, upgrade to Mailborder 5.1.2 as shown above.
  • Take a snapshot or full backup of some kind.
  • Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the bionic reference to focal for the Mailborder repository. (deb.mailborder.com) Do this after upgrading to 5.1.2 and before running the next step.
  • Run as root: do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party
  • Select the default option to keep everythingexcept /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.clamd which needs to be replaced with the new version.
  • If you need or want help, contact Mailborder support.

18 February 2022